The month of August is a month of intense preparation and meticulous care, where every step taken on the land is crucial to the quality of the wine that will reach the glasses of lovers of good drinking. As the harvest approaches, every action in the vineyard takes on a special meaning, reflecting the deep connection between the land and the fruit it produces.

Work on the land begins long before the first grapes are picked. Ensenada's soil, renowned for its mineral richness and excellent drainage, requires constant attention to maintain optimal conditions that allow the vines to fully develop. During this period, crucial tasks are carried out such as regulating the soil's pH and incorporating organic matter that improves its structure and fosters a nutrient-rich environment.

Vine management is another vital facet of pre-harvest work . At Rondo, green pruning is practiced, which consists of selectively removing parts of the vine to improve the grapes' exposure to the sun and promote better aeration, reducing the risk of disease. This selective care ensures that each bunch of grapes reaches an ideal balance between ripeness and acidity, key elements for a quality wine.

The work on the land and in the vineyard before the harvest is a combination of science and art, a commitment to quality and sustainability that is reflected in every bottle of wine produced at Rondo del Valle . This effort not only ensures a successful harvest, but also promotes responsible winemaking that honors the land and its fruits.

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